Web Applications
For the end-user, cloud based solutions for enterprise collaboration help you and your team work faster and smarter by making it easy for everyone — employees, customer, partners and vendors — to collaborate more effectively. For IT, the cloud offers the promise of maintenance-free, fast, secure access to your data at a lower cost. But the greatest benefit of a cloud based infrastructure may lie in the seamless delivery of IT services to your users, no matter where they are or on what device they’re on. With the social mobile cloud, your workforce is always connected — anytime, anywhere and on any device.
At CloudEye Technologies (CeT) , we implement Salesforce, Big Data , Mobile Applications, Cloud Analytics.

With Salesforce Automation (SFA) we Automate the process your business tasks of sales, including order processing, contact management, information sharing, inventory monitoring and control, order tracking, customer management, sales forecast analysis and employee performance evaluation.
By using PaaS ( Platform-as-a-Service) we make fully custom applications, by Integration we can change one API platform to Salesforce API, including Data Migration. CloudEye Technologies (CeT) focuses on helping our customers identify a solution with the right mix of features and capabilities to meet the growing demands on your business.Talk to CloudEye Technologies (CeT) to learn how we can help accelerate your business and technology at sales@cloudeyetech.com.
Contact Us
CloudEye Technologies
India Private Limited (opc),
Visakhapatnam,Andhra Pradesh, India
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